A short practical guide to understanding all about the "para-politics" scandal
by Élber Gutiérrez Roa
March 09, 2007
Revista Semana, in Rebelion 06-03-2007
The first concrete event that prompted the investigations was the accusation made by Clara Lopez, former candidate for mayor in Bogota for the Democratic Pole.(2) Lopez decided to ask the court to investigate members of Congress to establish whether declarations made years earlier by Salvatore Mancuso (3) were true according to which the Self Defence groups controlled 35 per cent of Congress. Although the disputed quote had been rejected by legislators of all parties and some included it in sensational debates about political control, Lopez was the first to ask the justice system to investigate the case.
The press too played an important role through its insistent coverage and denunication of the case. Semana revealed in detail how the tentacles of now demobilised commander of the Self Defence groups' Northern Bloc, Rodrigo Tovar Pupo, "Jorge 40", inflitrated the DAS (4) and how the electoral frauds of 2002 and 2006 were concocted. Those accusations, denied at first by President Alvaro Uribe, were proved little by little in the courts. El Tiempo, Cambio (5) and some research by Caludia Lopez (also published in Semana.com) touched the sore spot on how the paramilitaries shared out votes on the Atlantic Coast so as to make sure their friends made it into Congress.
All these initiatives added to valiant attempts by Congress towards political control by legislators like Gustavo Petro (who uncovered paramilitary infiltration in Sucre, Cordoba, Cesar and Magdalena) (6) the Public Prosecutor and other State entities and Senator Piedad Cordoba, who in more than five debates spoke out on the infiltration of the DAS and the armed imposition of candidates for municipal office, governorships, the Chamber and the Senate.
As if this were not enough, the authorities confiscated a computer from the paramilitary Edgar Ignacio Fierro, known by his alias of "Don Antonio", containing detailed information on Jorge 40's contacts with politicians; five members of congress were expelled from Uribe's party on his orders, owing to their links with paramilitaries, but they then remoulded themselves into other parties - also supporters of Uribe; one paramilitary deserter known as "Pitirry" (currently in exile in Canada) gave new details of the massacres carried out in Sucre; some senators out of nervous desperation admitted contacts with the Self Defence groups; and recently Salvatore Mancuso released a document compromising 28 leaders on the Atlantic Coast in a deal with the Self Defence groups to "refound the Homeland"
With all this evidence as well as the testimonies of various demobilised paramilitaries and relatives of anonymous victims the courts began to build a trial. These are the key pieces.