(Not that anyone here cares. This story does have a "must see," Bush looking more and more like Alfred E. Newman, picture with it (below).)
15/03/2007 07h37
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush returned to Washington Wednesday from a tour meant to bolster waning US influence in Latin America, but which drew violent protests in every country he visited.
From the moment Bush arrived in Brazil, his trip was accompanied by demonstrations against US policies, and clashes between police and protesters that left several people injured and often dominated TV coverage.
George W. Bush (L) and Felipe Calderon
©AFP - Jim WatsonMaking matters worse for Bush, his trip was shadowed by a rival regional tour by Hugo Chavez, the firebrand Venezuelan president whose influence Washington seeks to counter.
When Bush arrived in Uruguay on the second leg of his journey, Chavez was hosting a 35,000-strong "anti-imperialist" rally in neighboring Argentina and calling his US counterpart "political dead meat."
(more at link) <