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Reuters: Germany seeks consensus on U.S. missile shield

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Eugene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 05:27 AM
Original message
Reuters: Germany seeks consensus on U.S. missile shield
Germany seeks consensus on U.S. missile shield

By Louis Charbonneau
Thursday, March 15, 2007; 4:32 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) - The decision to build a U.S. anti-missile shield in eastern
Europe cannot be a bilateral one, especially when the decision will have
consequences for other European states, a senior German official said on

Deputy Foreign Minister Gernot Erler said in an interview on German radio that
Chancellor Angela Merkel would make this point when she arrives in Poland on
Friday for a two-day visit.

"She will argue something very important, that this can't be done on a bilateral
basis when the decisions will have consequences for other European states,"
Erler said.

Last week Polish officials, including the deputy foreign minister, said Warsaw
needed a bilateral security pact with the United States because it was
concerned that NATO lacked the resolve to counter any serious threats.


Full article:

Also: U.S. Missile Defense Chief Heads to Berlin - AP
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Eurobabe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 05:54 AM
Response to Original message
1. Guess Angie didn't like that back-rub
I am glad that Germany is opening its mouth that this type of technology will only create a new arms race. Proud to live in this wonderful country!
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Celefin Donating Member (256 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Don't hold your breath
As nice as it would be to believe in Merkel making a stand,
I can't get myself to it. Anybody speaking out against
this madness usually gets a full barrage of
Anti-American-Reflexes treatment.
Part of the reason I'm so frustrated with the country
that was my home for 29 years.
(admittedly, only a small part...)

Ok, I'm in a black mood today.
*goes doing something useful*
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Eugene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 06:42 AM
Response to Original message
2. Reuters: U.S. says open to NATO solution for missile shield
U.S. says open to NATO solution for missile shield
Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:31AM EDT

By Louis Charbonneau

BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States is open to European demands that
a missile shield system it plans to deploy in Poland and the Czech
Republic be brought under NATO, the top U.S. missile defense official
said on Thursday.

"I wouldn't be averse to that," U.S. Lieutenant General Henry Obering,
director of the Missile Defense Agency, told reporters in Berlin when
asked whether Washington could integrate the shield into NATO's
defensive capabilities.

"We will continue to consult with our NATO allies," he said.

His comments appeared aimed at reassuring European countries like
Germany, who have expressed concern the plan could splinter NATO
states and urged more consultations with Moscow, who sees the
shield as an encroachment on its former sphere of influence.


Full article:
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