it involves something already within themselves that they hate much more (and usually for longer). Look at newt gingrich, persecuting Clinton for the very thing he was guilty of, himself. Look at ANY of 'em. ANY of the holier-than-thous who, just mysteriously, can't stomach gays. The chickenhawk who wants to go scorched-earth on someone like Max Cleland.
I think, specifically to your question, it's because a LOT of these republi-CON assholes never served. Many of them, perhaps even most of them (I don't know the statistics), likely have this deep-seated resentment of our military people because the very existence of these fighting men and women give the chickenhawks a big, fat, complex. THEY never served, but these people did. So QUICK! Let's figure out how to chop 'em down or otherwise show 'em - because their very existence as soldiers makes US (who never bothered to serve or weaseled five deferments or other excuses for ourselves so we wouldn't have to go out there and see combat and get our hands dirty and lift a bunch of heavy stuff and maybe get shot at, or get something shot off) look bad by comparison. Gotta belittle someone else so you look bigger, or at least that's the underlying thought here, I suspect. Chop down the other guy to render him less than you. Then, by default, you become bigger than he. Or so they subconsciously assume.
The very existence of our military - who DO go out there and serve and get their hands dirty and lift a bunch of heavy stuff and cope in difficult and indeed life-threatening situations and get shot (at) - makes these guys, who didn't, look like pussies. Especially when they go out there with their arrogance and swagger and smug I'm-more-patriotic-than-you strut, but don't have the military background or hard-won experience to back it up. They're rough and tough and more-patriotic-than-you ... HOW? WHEN? In what theater of war? Which battlefield was that, specifically, wherein they went out and put their asses on the line for their country for real? Oh. I see. They - um - er - didn't. They stayed home and watched it on the news, I guess. How'd they manage all that militaristic, let's-go-get-'em, blow-'em-to-bits bravado, anyway? Video games? They never missed a John Wayne movie?
So they think they're hot shit. Until one of these people in uniform (and maybe with one leg missing) arrives in the picture and he or she is the real thing. The weasels, who are mere pretenders, are forced to shrivel in the shadows of any of these real things. It makes them look bad. It makes 'em look like wimps, sissies, cowards, hypocrites - which WE all know they were already. But maybe others these assholes are pandering to and strutting for didn't know that. Until now. When they, too, can see the comparisons and judge for themselves. With at least some of them, that makes an impression, and it isn't a good one.
I think that's why these disgraceful schmucks hate our military.
And maybe also it's because these weasels have their egos (and maybe even their own complexes about their dick size) all tied up in some big, glorious, shock 'n' awe thing that'll restore or confirm their macho. A vicarious win. Our military kicks some ass - so we get the bragging rights. We can strut around like we kicked some ass, too. We bask in their reflected glory. And unfortunately, the scum at the top has designed this war and planned so poorly (hmmm - maybe no combat or military experience among "the deciders" leads to that) and set things up so that our military CAN'T succeed. And when they fail to reach whatever illusory "goals" we've set (that change from week to week and that nobody seems to be able to agree about and at least half of our forces over in Iraq don't even understand clearly), well, then, some folks back here can't cope with, or deal with, that kind of failure. We're AMERICANS. We're supposed to WIN. ALL THE TIME. What the fuck is the matter? What's wrong with this picture? Why ain't we winnin'? We're not winning because there are certified NINCOMPOOPS at the top, jonesing for war, lying about why we need one, and then assuming they can send everybody out to fight one on the cheap (so none of the rest of us has to sacrifice anything).
No wonder these people aren't so put off by the idea of endless war. Hey, nothing to it, this war stuff. It's EASY! Look! No sweat! Hasn't hurt me in the least! I ain't feelin' nuthin'. I ain't had to give up nuthin'. No biggie. So, no big deal, let's have a war! Bring 'em on! War's cool! Just like they show in them-thar video games. Bang-bang! Yer dead. Now let's go have a beer.
Disgraceful, isn't it? Sigh...