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U.S. Attorney in Michigan Disputes Reason for Removal

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deminks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-22-07 09:53 PM
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U.S. Attorney in Michigan Disputes Reason for Removal
Source: New York Times

WASHINGTON, March 22 — The ousted United States attorney in western Michigan said Thursday that she was told last November that she was being forced out to make way for another lawyer the Bush administration wanted to groom, not because of management problems.

The federal prosecutor, Margaret M. Chiara, 63, speaking publicly for the first time since leaving office last Friday, said in an interview that a senior Justice Department official had told her that her resignation was necessary to create a slot for “an individual they wanted to advance.” The identity of the likely replacement was not disclosed, she said.

Only after Justice Department officials attributed her firing to poor performance as a manager — even though her 2005 evaluation praised her management skills — did she decide to speak out, Ms. Chiara said.

“To say it was about politics may not be pleasant, but at least it is truthful,” she said, echoing an e-mail message she sent to a Justice Department official this month. “Poor performance was not a truthful explanation.”

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Fluffdaddy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-22-07 10:20 PM
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1. Why do the bushes have to lie when the truth would do?
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truthisfreedom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-22-07 11:45 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. It's automatic. They blurt out a lie compulsively... it's a genetic thing.
They can't handle the truth.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 04:08 AM
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3. well now -- that's interesting -- n/t
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phiddle Donating Member (749 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 01:31 PM
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4. I wish that one of these PAs would file a civil suit, a la Paula Jones.
Possible grounds? Defamation, slander, wrongful dismissal, etc.
Possible defendandts? Bush, Gonzales, Rove, Miers, etc.
There is precedent in the Paula Jones case to compel the deposition of the chief executive in a civil suit. And, since Congress is not involved, no separation of powers doctrine could accrue. I imagine that some very interesting stuff could come out of discovery. NB: This is one of the reasons that Valerie Plame filed a civil suit, i.e., more lenient discovery procedures than in a criminal trial.
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LiberalFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 03:06 PM
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5. Email sent to all USA's and probably other Dept of Justice appointees
House Judiciary Committee -- Dept of Justice Document 11-1
Page ASG000000012 Email sent 11/4/2004 8:15PM

If creating a slot to advance someone was so important why didn't they follow up with what they stated in this email in bold? They could had just as easily I believe found a comparable position for these attorneys. Or am I wrong?

Many of you have sought guidance regarding the Administration to the President's second term. This message serves to convey the entirety of the information we have at this point, and as more information becomes available it will be shared with you.

First, the President is tremendously grateful to you, and to every member of his team, for your hard work over the past four years. He recognizes the sacrifices that you and your family have made to enable you to serve, and he is deeply appreciative. America has looked at the President's record -- continuing success in the war on terror, violent crime at a 30-year low, and declining drug use among America's youth, among other successes -- and asked him to stay on the job. He is honored and humbled by the privilege to serve, as I know each of you are.

Second, as we move into this transition period, the President has decided that he will not ask for letters of resignation. That said, as always, each of us serves at the pleasure of the President.

Third, some of you have expressed interest in serving in other capacities in the Administration, both within the Department and elsewhere. If you would like to be considered for other opportunities, please let me know what position(s) and agency or agencies you are interested in and I will work together with White House Presidential Personnel on those matters.

Additionally, if you are intending to leave the Administration within the next three months, please let me know that as well.

As we move forward, the Attorney General thanks you for your continued service and asks that you stay focused on the job at hand. While it is appropriate and good to celebrate successes, we cannot let it detract from the ongoing critical mission of the Department. Thank you again, and please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Susan M Richmond
Advisor to the Attorney General
& White House Liaison
Office of the Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
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