Former Bush aide named to U.S. attorney post (interim appt. no senate confirmation)
Saturday, Dec 16, 2006
By Aaron Sadler
Stephens Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON - A former Republican political operative and top aide to President Bush was named late Friday as interim U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas.
The appointment of Tim Griffin drew criticism from Arkansas senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln, both Democrats. Pryor accused the Bush administration of circumventing the traditional nomination process on behalf of a political ally.
The open-ended appointment differs from a normal presidential selection, where Griffin would face Senate hearings and a confirmation vote.
Pryor believes the Senate should be able to quiz Griffin about his qualifications, especially given his background as Bush's deputy director of political affairs under Karl Rove, spokesman Michael Teague said.
Before that, Griffin worked in opposition research for the Republican National Committee.
"We hope it's not the White House's intention to go around the Constitution, go around the nomination process and reward a fellow who's done some political work for them," Teague said.