ReutersIran rejects U.N. vote on arms, financial sanctionsBy Evelyn Leopold
38 minutes ago
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran rejected a repeated demand
by the U.N. Security Council to suspend uranium enrichment work
after the 15-nation body imposed arms and financial sanctions
on Tehran.
At the same time, major powers, who drafted the resolution passed
on Saturday, immediately offered new talks and renewed their offer
of an economic and technological incentive package.
But the sanctions would stay in place until Iran halts the enrichment
of uranium and the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, which can be
used to make a bomb or to generate electricity.
Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, who planned to hold
a news conference on Sunday, told the Security Council after the
unanimous vote that the council had been abused and manipulated
by some of its members to take "unjustifiable action" against a
peaceful nuclear program.
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