on edit: oops, responded to the wrong post here. But I'll just leave it as is.
Somebody said she was a babe, so naturally,
I went looking for a photo.
Here's what I found....
RMC - Out of Touch With Pennsylvanians?
I found this note from Robert Novak on the Trib web site:
In attacking the new South Dakota anti-abortion statute, the Republican Majority for Choice (RMC) last Wednesday took a gratuitous swipe at Republican Sen. Rick Santorum's uphill campaign for re-election in Pennsylvania.
Jennifer Stockman, RMC national co-chairman, called Santorum "the poster child of the religious right." She said "rank-and-file Republicans" in Pennsylvania are "withholding support" from Santorum against Democrat state Treasurer Bob Casey, who also is pro-life.
Stockman clearly has a disdain for people of faith (and there are a lot of them in Pennsylvania), especially when it comes to her pro-abortion agenda. PA has a very strong religious bent. There are a lot of democrats, sure, but PA still has a rich heritage of Christianity.
This base of religion is what is making the race for US Senator so fluid. The big question is, "How will religion affect voting patterns?" Some Pro-choice republicans may stay home...but so may the pro-choice dems.
To those in the GOP who are pro choice, consider the following: both candidates claim to be pro-life, so that leaves economics as a main issue. Which candidate is most likely to foster a culture of responsibility, self-respect, and productivity? Which candidate is most likely to financialy strengthen a family so that wise choices can be made?
Novak also noted:
A footnote: Pro-choice Republican Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania's other senator, wrote Stockman five days prior to her attack on Santorum, calling on "the RMC to repudiate and renounce any effort to defeat Sen. Santorum." But a Specter spokesman told this column that Stockman has promised to stop attacking Santorum and that the senator intends to remain on the RMC advisory board.
Now that Stockman has failed to keep her word, will Specter leave the RMC to back the man that saved Arlen's bacon?