Spero NewsColombia accused of violating Ecuador sovreignty
Two are dead after an alleged military incursion by Colombia into Ecuador. The victims' families say the dead were killed and then dressed to resemble insurgents. Ecuador called for bi-national investigation.
By Martin Barillas
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The government of Ecuador called for an immediate investigation by the Bi-National Frontier Commission of Colombia and Ecuador into an alleged military incursion by Colombian armed forces into Ecuadorian territory that left two dead.
According to the families of the victims, those killed were civilians. However, according to the Colombian government, the fallen were guerrillas.
“A clarification is necessary on the grave incidents that occurred in the Puerto Nuevo area on March 22. Evidence has emerged emphasising a possible incursion of Colombian military elements; if confirmed, this episode would not contribute to improving bilateral relations”, said a statement from the Ecuadorian Finance ministry statement. “The Ecuadorian armed forces will make every effort to protect the sovereignty and security of the border area and its inhabitants”, added the statement.
The two victims were identified by their families as Jorge Plaza, an Ecuadorian, and Daniel Marroquín, a Colombian. The two peasants, according to the families, were killed and later dressed as guerrillas to justify the operation. The practice of disguising killed civilians victims as rebels has been attributed on several occasions to the Colombian armed forces, even in the past few months.
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The dressing dead villagers as enemy combatants has been practised by Colombian paramilitaries and Colombian military to conceal civilian murders inside Colombian borders. Those articles have been posted here in the last couple of years.