I just read this overnight,& on NPR..I am just shocked/ I am so sad about how a few can have such DEVASTATING effects, 'domino' effects, exponential effects. These gop-extremists have messed up EVERY thing they touch. EVERY dang Day, another AWFUL,UGLY policy or person scandal. I have to say a little prayer of thanks that "as bad as it is, at least the TRUTH is coming OUT"..but DANGGG...
'Course texas is into some privatizing, the prison system,& schools; then WE have "immigration raids & detentions", where FAMILIES are split up,detained or shopped away, putting CHILDREN in danger & COMMUNITIES left confused & affected.So many daily tragedies, I cannot follow up on where these Workers were sent, where the Families,kids,went, were the Corp.employers charged? In the panhandle, a raid swept up Workers,in the early a.m.,detained about 1,200,eventually I think 200-300 were charged(arrested,detained?deported?)but the insane part was the town's schools had no idea why no One was coming to pick up their kids after school..10 pm, Teachers were scrambling to provide shelter for kids who had no relatives to pick them up. I can't forget watching this unfold on local news,or the 'messages' it sent.
And the detention centers & these "systems" are jobbed out, sub-contracted,at huge cost & lousy standards & accountability. Well, these 'systems' are the INFRASTRUCTURE of the SOCIETY in the United States. These are not meant to be for-profit corporate boys-clubs. These are the Structures that MUST be done right,WE cannot play around, or 'job it out'.These are OUR CHILDREN, OUR PEOPLE, being used & abused. Well, now I'm sad but mad,too, I know every day I am consumed with PEACE-Makin's,but the TX Youth Commission TRAGEDY has just come to MY attention,& I've written dc & a few msm-types on this today,HOPING Others CARED & were speaking OUT. Thanks for the Spirit of Your post.