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Bush, Putin Discuss Missile Defense Plan

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Eugene Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 06:38 PM
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Bush, Putin Discuss Missile Defense Plan
Source: Associated Press

Bush, Putin Discuss Missile Defense Plan

By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

(03-28) 15:08 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

Russian President Vladimir Putin registered his concerns Wednesday
with President Bush about a planned U.S. missile defense system in
Central Europe in a conversation that highlighted strains between
the two nations.

After the phone call, a White House spokesman said Bush emphasized
to the Russian president that missile defenses in Europe were intended
to protect against an evolving threat from the Middle East.

It is "a threat that we share in common with Europe and Russia," said
Gordon Johndroe, the National Security Council spokesman.

According to the Kremlin, Bush expressed a willingness to discuss the
project with Russia in detail in the interest of mutual security.


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Source: Reuters

Bush offers Putin olive branch over shield-Kremlin

By Christian Lowe

Mar 28, 2007 — MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Bush offered on
Wednesday to give Moscow a detailed explanation of his plans for an
anti-missile shield in Europe, the Kremlin said, as Washington tried
to cool Russian anger over the scheme.

Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the planned shield
in a telephone conversation on the day the Czech prime minister said he
was opening talks with the United States on hosting part of the missile
defense system.


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