Associated PressCongress cool to nuclear warhead plan By H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer
Thu Mar 29, 7:53 PM ET
WASHINGTON - An administration proposal to build a new generation of more reliable nuclear warheads to replace the current stockpile was met with skepticism Thursday from key lawmakers who will decide how much money to give the program.
Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-Ind., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over nuclear weapons programs, said he was "troubled by the giddiness" at the Energy Department over development of the new warhead program.The panel's ranking Republican, Rep. David Hobson (news, bio, voting record), R-Ohio, said he was worried the warhead development was aimed not so much to meet the military's requirements but "to prove that we can still design nuclear weapons."
Separately, three experts on nuclear nonproliferation, including a former defense secretary and former Sen. Sam Nunn, said that building a new warhead — even if only a replacement — sends the wrong message to the world and could make all the more difficult the resolution of the nuclear problems with Iran and North Korea.
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