"It's all part of a growing ongoing investigation into corruption in defense and intelligence contracts, which already has sent former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham to prison and, legal sources say, may threaten others in Congress and the CIA. "
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12634250/Think of Mena WITHOUT the Clinton governorship. Think of what Danny Casolaro and Gary Webb were investigating out near Indio CA.
Start with the CIA drugrunning and who gets a cut. Of course the Pentagon's 'black ops' got their cut but in order to maintain silence, as criminal mastermind Meyer Lansky knew, you always kept the skim to 15% or less, too much extravagance leads to BLOWBACK. Also, they relied too much on the GOP. Ain't that right "Duke-Stir" ?
Folks, blowback is here.
Oh, BTW, Brad Berenson is Sampson's attorney but he's also Susan Ralston's. And John Dowd hired by Monica Goodling is a great moneylaundering expert -- don't be put off by the media's concentrating on his Pete Rose representation.
Why ole Brad is also an expert on the NSA's spy program too (pic included)
Legal loophole emerges in NSA spy program
http://news.com.com/2100-1028_3-6073600.htmlBerenson is simply helping the Bush policestate keep its sorry head above water. This is NOT Democratic overspeculation, btw, re-read that sentence in the msnbc article above...read it slowly. WHO in the CIA and GOP are now o.d.ing on Maalox now ?
And dammit, someone needs to spread the word like hootinholler did in his post I'm linking to below:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x540834Systematic obstruction of justice !