,1,4035920.story?coll=la-home-headlinesU.S. Puts Its Latest Arms in S. Korea
An infusion of high-tech weapons near the DMZ isn't at odds with Bush's call to end the nuclear crisis with Pyongyang via talks, officials say.
By Barbara Demick, Times Staff Writer
SEOUL — Even as the Bush administration seeks a negotiated settlement to the North Korean nuclear standoff, an intimidating array of high-tech weaponry, much of it battle-tested in Iraq and Afghanistan, is being deployed south of the demilitarized zone that divides the Korean peninsula.
The weaponry has been quietly moved into South Korea since the summer as part of a significant restructuring of the 37,000 U.S. troops in the country. In return for moving soldiers away from the DMZ, the Pentagon promised Seoul that it would spend $11 billion to bring in the latest armaments.
"More lethality with fewer people," is the way one security analyst described the new mantra of the Pentagon when it comes to the Korean peninsula.
For five decades, troops with the U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Division have been dug in near the DMZ as the first line of defense against a possible North Korean invasion. As with other U.S. troops, the Pentagon would like to see them become faster, lighter and better able to respond to unpredictable global crises.
More-,1,4035920.story?coll=la-home-headlines"The weaponry has been quietly moved into South Korea since the summer as part of a significant restructuring of the 37,000 U.S. troops in the country."
Every time pres. ASSHOLE does something it is done "quietly".
Pres. ASSHOLE quietly allowed polluters off the hook...
Pres. ASSHOLE quietly allowed developement of new nukes...
Pres. ASSHOLE quietyly allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire...Well that's because ASSHOLE created 1,000,000,000 new jobs and no one needs unemployment anymore.
Pres. ASSHOLE quietly signed legislation allowing Yosemite National Park to be mined for granite countertops...WTF?!?!?!?!just kidding but I'm not too far off...