Clark Attacks Bush Strategy on Terrorism as Mistaken
By EDWARD WYATT, S.C., Dec. 22 — Gen. Wesley K. Clark on Monday blamed "bad leadership" by President Bush for the nation's heightened antiterrorism alert status, saying that it was a "strategic mistake" to shift resources to Iraq from the hunt for Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
"A wise leadership would not have put us into Iraq at this time," General Clark told reporters after serving hot meals at Manna House, a nonprofit agency in this city in the northeastern part of the state. "Instead we'd have concentrated on Osama bin Laden."
"But that doesn't change the reality," General Clark said. "We knew who attacked this country on 9/11 and it was not Saddam Hussein. It was Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network."
"We should have gone after that network and we should have gone after it directly instead of taking half the United States Army and putting it in Iraq and using $150 billion and distracting us from our world leadership in the war on terror," he said. "It was a strategic mistake. I just hope that we'll be able to protect this country and we don't have more Americans who will suffer as a result of the president's bad leadership."
General Clark has proposed spending $40 billion in his first two years in office to improve domestic security. The money, which would come from rolling back Bush tax cuts for people earning more than $200,000 a year, would help police and fire departments pay for equipment and staffing to prepare for attacks.More