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U.N. Staff Among Victims of Benin Crash

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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-27-03 10:16 AM
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U.N. Staff Among Victims of Benin Crash
DHAKA, Bangladesh -- At least 15 United Nations peacekeepers from Bangladesh were believed to be among the dead from a plane crash in Benin two days ago, the military said Saturday.

The peacekeepers from the Bangladeshi army were on their way home for a holiday, the army said in a news release in the capital, Dhaka. Thirteen of the peacekeepers were based in Sierra Leone and two in Liberia.

The Boeing 727 jet crashed on Christmas Day as it took off from Benin's capital with 161 people on board. At least 128 people were killed in the crash, about 20 survived, and many more were missing.

The Bangladeshi peacekeepers, mostly army officers, had boarded the plane during a stopover in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The plane was on its way to Beirut, Lebanon.

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