Rant Warning: This article is disturbing to me for several reasons. I am about to rant about the fundamentalist right wing. If you are easily offended because you think I'm talking about you, I'm probably not, but you don't have to read this if you don't want to. Although we are no longer free in America, nobody will mind if I speak my mind here.
God is on the field in Iraq
Religious intolerance is always a tragedy, but this news is a great new vein of gold for the Bush lovers who believe God put him there to fulfill a divine plan. Here's why:
It reports an execution style murder of a Christian, and increasing violence between religious factions in Iraq. This is the first report of this type of "Christian targeted" violence in Iraq that I've seen. It disturbs me, not because I'm surprised it's happening, but because this report coincides nicely with increased vociferousness here in this country by the fundamentalist Christians of the political far right.
Remember the remarks of Lt. Gen Boykin about "our" God being bigger than "their" God? In case you want to know, Boykin is the Delta force black ops guy who has both Rumsfeld's and God's ear at the Pentagon. The public remarks he made a while back we're not nullified or denied in any way by the administration, but were certainly used as a potent currency in the bible circles of America's growing army of radical cardboard Christians.
These are people who ultimately expect America to become the capital principality of God's triumpal empire on earth. Yep, the bible tells us it all goes down in a big summer blockbuster style war that will leave the righteous in power and the evildoers of the world, under their boot like Satan's snake. God wants war. He also wants them to send missionaries. The only way to make sense out of such an ill-concieved idea is to concede that the Repulican God of the New American Christian is naive or feverish. Barring that, it is a call for more innocent blood to flow in the name of Christ.
Such tiny minds are filled with "Left Behind" fictions, simplistic historical fantasies, tortured biblical interpretations, synthetic religious dogma, and at least twenty years of political propaganda and misinformation. That's enough to keep any human being mentally, emotionally and spiritually hamstrung in the service of Christ, or any other raw political power that publically hitches its wagon to such a Christ.
Whoever gets there first...
This subliminal desire for Armageddon is nothing more than fear-based blood-thirst reified and sanctified for political duty. I am concerned about this type of religious civil strife/proto-civil war that's going on in Iraq. Acts of violence against Christians can be, and I predict will be, used to rally popular support for further conquest and escalation of the Neocon wars against the sovereign oil-rich nations of the ME.
Persecution of believers is of course one of the markers of the coming apocalypse. The types of poltically manufactured Christians who believe this, seek threads of persecution they can tease loose and develop from the news, as well as from confrontations with "Godless liberals" like me. The "anger" of those of us who know what's behind the far rightwing "Christian" movement can be, and I predict will be, reframed as a form of persecution.
For the record: I am an American. I do not believe in God, or in God's favoritism for one country's greed and blood-lust over that of any other. I believe all people (including me) should be free to quietly believe in whatever private fictions allow them to cope with the chaos and seeming unfairness of life. I feel this crypto-fascist religious movement is a direct threat to the U.S. constitution. If this movement is successful in co-opting the cultural and political center of the American ethos, then America as we have known it is doomed to a downward spiral of mediocrity, mental slavery and moral poverty. Please note, in my opinion what we're talking aboutr is a political movement -- not a religious movement at all.
Ok. Done for now.
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