C'mon, we can do it. :eyes:
The official said "a chorus of groans" from the US Department of Homeland Security to the White House went out when the French disclosed the reason for the flight cancellations. LOL, like the only "chorus of groans", was in the US.
ABC News Online Australia
Last Update: Saturday, December 27, 2003. 11:20am (AEDT)
US officials fault French on terror alert
One or more terror suspects may have escaped due to a premature disclosure in France of the security concerns behind the cancellation of Christmas flights to Los Angeles, US officials said.
Air France made clear at the time the cancellations had been ordered for security reasons.
US law enforcement and intelligence officials had hoped all the suspects could be detained as they showed up for the flights, a senior US official familiar with the situation said, who did not want to be identified.
The official said "a chorus of groans" from the US Department of Homeland Security to the White House went out when the French disclosed the reason for the flight cancellations.
Washington Times
France warning tipped off terrorists, say U.S. officials
From combined dispatches
One or more terror suspects may have escaped due to a premature disclosure in France of the security concerns behind the cancellation of Christmas flights to Los Angeles, U.S. officials said yesterday.
One official said "a chorus of groans" from the Department of Homeland Security to the White House went out when the French made clear at the time the cancellations had been ordered for security reasons.
Washington believed that the longer publicity could have been avoided, "the greater the chance to catch anybody else who was suspected of being involved," he said. "The French announcement caught everyone off guard."
U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials had hoped all the suspects could be detained as they showed up for the flights, said a senior U.S. official familiar with the situation who did not want to be identified.
With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...
Sunday, Dec. 28, 2003 9:30 a.m. EST
French Tipped Off Terrorists
The no-shows on a Paris-to-Los Angeles flight who are now being sought by U.S. authorities may have escaped the dragnet due to French authorities quickly announcing that the cancellation of Christmas flights to Los Angeles were ordered for security reasons.
According to a report in the Washington Times, the premature announcement resulted in "a chorus of groans" from the Department of Homeland Security to the White House.
An unnamed U.S. source is cited as saying that Washington believed that the longer publicity could have been avoided, "the greater the chance to catch anybody else who was suspected of being involved. The French announcement caught everyone off guard."
Nine persons on the passenger list for Air France Flight AF068 to Los Angeles on Dec. 24 were questioned and released by French authorities, who concluded that the detained passengers did not meet any suspect profiles.