TIKRIT, Iraq -- A foot patrol of U.S.-trained Iraqi civil defense officers emerges from an alley into the bustle of this city's main highway. Quickly, some of the men wrap scarves around their faces, fearful of being recognized by insurgents attacking Americans and their Iraqi allies.
The 16 Iraqis, armed with AK-47 assault rifles, are part of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps, or ICDC, meant to be one of the country's key emerging security forces. But cracks are beginning to show in at least one part of the corps, here in Tikrit, five months after its first men hit the streets.
Some U.S. trainers in Tikrit say the Iraqi force is ill-equipped, prone to corruption and so trigger-happy that some have shot at their own comrades. Added to that is the threat of anti-American guerrillas targeting Iraqis cooperating with the coalition.
"OK, when the Americans leave, we are here, ICDC," Wadi said proudly, wearing reflective sunglasses. He adds that they'll need helicopters and their own headquarters, drawing laughter from several American soldiers overhearing the conversation.
http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-iraq-on-guard,0,3277278.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlinesmore here, kinda sad, not only as it highlights life in Iraq but also our relationships with Iraqi people...