,0,2114805.column?coll=ny-ny-columnistsSNIP..."First, the other day, Howard Dean, candidate for president, said he didn't think that the capture of Saddam Hussein made us any safer in America. The other politicians screamed that he was un-American. It was John Kerry who said, How could Dean dare say that we were not safer now? You could see that just by watching how we examined Saddam Hussein for scarlet fever in front of the world.
"After Saddam's capture, there was a weekend of propaganda that will be examined someday as the ultimate show of vulnerability and failure by the American news industry. The Pekingese of the Press raved about the government and its soldiers.SNIP...
"Yet all Dean has to do in this big Des Moines debate Sunday is ask each candidate, "Are you in favor of sentencing bin Laden before you have a trial?"Let them answer in front of a country that is better than they are.
My friend David Greenfield, a top lawyer in Manhattan who takes on murder cases, was reading some of this over the holiday. He was saying,
"This is insanity. I thought everybody knew that no matter how high the crime or the criminal, the punishment phase always must follow the trial. These people, they want off with his head and we'll see if he's fit to stand trial."
Those were not gaffes, they were the truth.