I'm sure they are all interchangeable to the Republicans, who wouldn't dream of losing their votes as a huge block in South Florida, or their cooperation in controlling politics there, or their campaign contributions.
Our own government, through various channels, at the behest of Cuban "exile" Congress people and their right-wing slaves in Congress, like Tom Delay, shifts money to Cuban "exile" interests in South Florida, by the truckloads.
On Mel, from the Guardian:
(snip) The current administration also maintains a hard line on the continuing Cuban embargo despite the urgings of many in Mr Bush's own party to end it. The president's adviser, Karl Rove, "has urged him to fully accommodate hardliners in return for electoral victories for both his brother and himself", Bardach's book says.
For their help, many hardline Cuban-Americans have received plum jobs in the current administration: Mel Martinez, the Orlando Republican who arranged for the shipwrecked Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez, to visit Disney World, was made housing secretary, while Otto Reich was awarded a one year recess appointment for the western hemisphere in the state department. (snip)
The Bush dynasty and the Cuban criminals http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,851913,00.html