Say what you want about Dean, but that's still kinda cool. I definitly respect Mrs. Huerta. This, with Tom Harkin and Bill Bradley...
I don't have another link except for www.blogforamerica.com Here's a snip:
BAKERSFIELD, CA--Dolores C. Huerta, the co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America (UFW) endorsed Governor Dean today, citing his commitment to a grassroots campaign to change American politics. She was joined in her endorsement by her long-time companion, Richard Chavez.
"I have watched Governor Dean's campaign with great interest, and I am proud today to join the other 552,000 Americans who are uniting to take the country back from powerful special interests. I have worked my entire life to empower people and give them a sense of ownership, and so it is natural that I am joining Governor Dean's campaign because it is based around the ideal that the power to govern comes from the people. Everyday, his campaign is demonstrating how individuals can unite to effect change at the highest levels of government," Dolores Huerta said. "Howard Dean is the man to bring democracy and the people back into the White House and American politics."