... there's already been a good deal of this to date ...
:puke: is right
"This is the main reason for President Bush’s push towards implementing and funding faith-based programs."I don't think so.
I doubt if his rich friends care about the separation of church and state.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/fbci/grants-catalog-index.htmljust from the Dept. of Labor
Below are past grants that provide examples of what the grant process is like. Though the deadlines for these grants have passed, they may be helpful for understanding the type of activities the Department of Labor funds and what the grant application process requires.
ETA Announces the Availability of Grant Funds for Technical Skills Training Grants for Business Partnerships (Deadline: September 22, 2003)
HUD Announces Funding for Enhancement of Neighborhood Networks (Deadline: September 12, 2003)
ILAB Announces Grants to Combat HIV/AIDS in Ugandan Workplaces (Deadline: August 22, 2003)
ODEP Announces New Grant to Combat Chronic Homelessness (Deadline: August 20, 2003)
Women's Bureau Announces Grants for Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (Deadline: August 11, 2003)
ODEP Announces Intermediary Grants for Mentoring Youth with Disabilities (Deadline: July 28, 2003)
HHS Announces Compassion Capital Fund Grants (Deadline: July 28, 2003)
ODEP Announces Customized Employment Program Grants (Deadline: July 21, 2003)
ODEP Announces High School/High Tech State Development and Implementation Grants (Deadline: July 21, 2003)
ODEP Announces Grant Opportunities Under "Working for Freedom, Opportunity and Real Choice Through Community Employment (WorkFORCE)" Initiative (Deadline: July 14, 2003)
ODEP Announces Grants for Home Modifications (Deadline: July 14, 2003)
OSHA Accepting Grant Solicitations for the Susan Harwood Training Grants Program (Deadline: July 3, 2003)
Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) Publishes a Solicitation for Cooperative Agreement Applications to Combat Child Labor Through Education in Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, and Mali (Deadline: June 20, 2003)
USDA Announces Rural Business Opportunity Grants with Economic Development Focus (Deadline: June 2, 2003)
ETA Announces a Grant Competition for Operating the National Farm Worker Jobs Program and Housing Assistance for Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (Deadline: May 16, 2003)
ETA issues new grants for intermediaries and grassroots faith-based and community organizations.
Intermediary Grants (Deadline: April 4, 2003)
Grants for Small Grassroots Organizations (Deadline: April 4, 2003)
ETA administers a $342 million grant competition for the Senior Community Services Employment Programs (Deadline: February 6, 2003)
Department of Labor Announces $2.4 Million to Help Employ People with Disabilities
ETA SGA For States Integrating Faith-Based Organization (FBOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) — Federal Register (text) (Deadline: May 16, 2002)
ETA SGA For States Integrating Faith-Based Organization (FBOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) — Federal Register (PDF) (Deadline: May 16, 2002)
ETA SGA For Intermediary Organizations Working with FBOs/CBOs — Federal Register (text) (Deadline: May 17, 2002)
ETA SGA For Intermediary Organizations Working with FBOs/CBOs — Federal Register (PDF) (Deadline: May 17, 2002)
ETA SGA For Small Grassroots FBOs/CBOs — Federal Register (text) (Deadline: May 20, 2002)
ETA SGA For Small Grassroots FBOs/CBOs — Federal Register (PDF) (Deadline: May 20, 2002)