US Is Controlling What We Hear From Iraq (Especially US Deaths)Jan 06, 2004
I learned yesterday that one of the main sites which posts the writings of independent journalists and activists in Iraq,, has been banned from at least one of the US military bases in Iraq.
Celebrate free speech, read a banned website!
Like other repressive dictatorships and regimes, the US military has now followed suit in Iraq by attempting to select what its personnel should and should not read.
It is happening at home in the US as well. For example, the only news I see about Iraq on major American news outlets yesterday is about the one US soldier killed when his helicopter was downed. Iraqis who observed the chopper being hit by a rocket reported watching it being broken in two pieces and falling to the ground in flames. Thus, the other soldier, while reported as being injured, more than likely must have been very seriously injured. Again, no specific reporting on that either.
However, this could have something to do with the fact that a Reuters news team filming at the scene was fired upon by the Americans, then detained by military personnel near the crash site.