Jan. 6, 2004, 11:43PM
California conservatives resuscitate Prop. 187
Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle
Aiming to stir immigration debate during the presidential primary season, California conservatives are resurrecting the ghost of Proposition 187 with another state ballot initiative that opponents say could be just as racially divisive as the 1994 proposal to ban social services for illegal immigrants.
This time, supporters also want to deny driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants. But Ron Prince, the Orange County accountant who pushed the issue 10 years ago, promises a race-neutral campaign for an initiative written to survive the court challenges that prevented Proposition 187 from becoming law.
As Prince and others gather signatures to force a vote in November, California backers are pressing the measure as a deterrent to illegal immigration, even as President Bush proposes liberalized immigration to match foreign workers, mostly from Mexico, with U.S. employers. (snip)
(snip) Many of the state budget woes that drove voters to support the ban a decade ago have only worsened, contributing to last year's recall of Democratic Gov. Gray Davis.
But dramatic demographic changes in the past decade mean the powerful Latino vote could be a deciding factor this time. And as the Republican Party tries to lure parts of this traditionally Democratic voting block, the GOP is trying to avoid anything that can be perceived as racially motivated bias.