at the German intelligence bureau claim that CIA misinformed them about the alleged planned terror action in Hamburg December 30. Ansar al-Islam was accused of being behind the attempt.
According to information provided TV 2 Nettavisen by German intelligence, they are convinced that the CIA information is wrong, and they allegedly fear that American authorities planted the information.
German police have started an investigation after the terror alarm at the hospital in Hamburg December 30. So far, no evidence has been located that indicates that the terror alarm was genuine.
Also German police who were tipped off by the CIA, doubt that the terror alarm was real.
Might be fake
«We have not found any proof that the terror alarm was genuine, but we haven’t found any evidence that states it was not,» said Vahldiecker, officer at Landesamt fûr Varfassungsschutz in Hamburg to TV 2 Nettavisen. «It is of course possible that it was fake, but we do not know that for certain yet.»
Vahldiecker confirms that they received information regarding the planned terror attack from American sources, but he said that he did not believe they provided fake information on purpose, if this might be the case.