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Sudan Wealth-Sharing Deal Signed

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 04:18 AM
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Sudan Wealth-Sharing Deal Signed
Sudan wealth-sharing deal signed

Wednesday 07 January 2004, 16:52 Makka Time, 13:52 GMT

Sudan's government and main rebel movement have signed an agreement on sharing the oil-rich country's wealth.

The agreement, signed on Wednesday in the Kenyan town of Naivasha, is a key component of efforts to end 20 years of civil war.

It provides an approximate 50-50 split of revenue from the country's 300,000 daily barrels of oil and other income between the government and an envisaged autonomous administration in the south.

The southern administration will govern during a six-year interim period, due to come into force once a comprehensive peace accord is reached.

But the agreement leaves two other topics to be settled before a final peace can be signed - sharing power and the status of three contested areas, Southern Blue Nile, Abyai and Nuba mountains
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