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South Carolina trade delegation in Cuba

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Osolomia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 08:54 PM
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South Carolina trade delegation in Cuba

despite all the leading 2004 Democratic presidential contenders who support the embargo and their complicity with the Bush Doctrine:

Thu, Jan. 08, 2004
Associated Press

CHARLESTON, S.C. - A trade delegation led by Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer is in Cuba this week for talks on getting Cuba to buy South Carolina agricultural products.

Three years ago, the United States loosened its 42-year-old embargo on trading with Cuba to allow shipments of food, agricultural goods and medicine to the island nation of 11 million.

... Besides Bauer, Agriculture Commissioner Charles Sharpe, state Rep. Chip Limehouse, R-Charleston, and executives of Charleston-based Maybank Shipping are in Cuba.

... In all, 34 states produce goods for export to Cuba, said John Kavulich, president of the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. The New York-based nonprofit group provides research for U.S. businesses wanting to trade with Cuba.

... It was just a matter of time before South Carolina joined in, said College of Charleston political science professor Doug Friedman, who has studied Cuban politics and has traveled there with the college's study-abroad program.

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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 09:04 PM
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1. It would be good for small farmers
Edited on Thu Jan-08-04 09:05 PM by Mika
Happy New Year, Osolo

College of Charleston political science professor Doug Friedman:
"It would be good for small farmers, which are hurting in this state."

Gee, you'd think that the majority Dem presidential candidates would want to represent the majority of Americans, small farmers included.. but.. nope.


Poll: Americans on Cuban Sanctions
Poll: Cuban-Americans focus is local

Sadly, only ONE candidate for
US president openly states that he
would end this unjust and insane
policy against Cuba AND Americans.

That candidate is Dennis Kucinich.

-The Democratic Presidential Candidates on Cuba-

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Osolomia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 11:08 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Evidently Dems don't respect the majority any more than Bush does
In the face of such an overwhelming majority for so many years and so many federal elections now who are opposed to the unethical and immoral and unconstitutional trade embargo against Cuba and travel ban against Amerikuns what the hell is a Democratic president going to do if he does get elected?

How much in campaign contributions do the farmers and agricultural companies like ADM and Cargill give? How much money can the Miami mafia possibly have? How much information do the CIA trained gusanos have about their other US government covert operations around the globe? What did Clark promise CANF? Why is Kucinich the only candidate who dares to say what needs to be said instead of what the gusanos want to hear?

In the meantime what lies and bullshit are the Bushistas going to be spewing to conjure up a security threat in time for their re-election bid and that travel-banned Amerikuns will swallow? What would happen if there was a Maine, Mariel or Missile crisis in post-9/11 pre-11/04?

If a Democratic USA cannot or will not reconcile relations with it's own neighbors while keeping its own citizens travel banned then what moral authority or credibility does the USA have on the world stage?

Good luck in new year. Cheers Mika, with a real Havana Club or Crystal!

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LastDemocratInSC Donating Member (580 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-09-04 01:25 AM
Response to Original message
3. We South Carolinians hope Cuba will keep Andre Bauer ...
Lt Gov Andre Bauer is such a doofus. A few months ago he woke up late, realized that he had to open the State Senate for business, jumped into his big ole hunka-hunka pickup truck, and tore up the streets of Columbia trying to get to the Capitol on time.

He ripped through several red lights at high speed at rush hour, was picked up by a policeman who chased him with lights on. Andre then stopped abruptly, jumped out of his hunka-hunka pickup truck, and started running toward the the police car to explain his angst when ...

"Hands up!" the policeman said, with his gun drawn and raised. "But, but ..." said Andre the gubernatorial doofus. The policeman charged him appropriately with several counts or which I have now thankfully forgotten.

The State Senate, noting Doofus' absence, started business anyway.

Ho, hum, another day in the wacky Southland.

Lt Gov Doofus later pled guilty, if I remember correctly.

Maybe Doofus can be the P.R. guy for Castro. Cuba's loss will be our gain ... that's for damn sure.
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