JUCHITEPEC, Mexico -- Cesar Garcia, who was earning $11 per hour nailing roofs onto houses in Atlanta, returned to his family here on Christmas Eve, elated to see his wife and 5-year-old daughter for the first time since his illegal trek to the United States nearly four years ago.
On Wednesday, when the Christmas season ended, the 29-year-old Mexican's joy turned to confusion. News of President Bush's proposal to recognize millions of undocumented workers in the United States reached his television screen, leading Garcia to curse his timing.
As the cop spoke, Antonio Vergara, the plaza's news vendor, came forward to criticize the plan. "We want an unconditional amnesty for all our illegal workers up there so they can enjoy full human rights," he said.
http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/0104/09immigworkers.htmlListening to NPR news all this week and hearing this plan referred to as amnesty is soooo incorrect! Amnesty, by definition, is the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals. By charging fees and fines, this is in no way amnesty. More ShrubSpin trying to cater to Hispanic/Latino voters, and, as per usual, obfuscating the meaning of the issues arising from this proposal.