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Chemical weapons found in Iraq by Danish troops

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Mudcat Donating Member (79 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 05:31 PM
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Chemical weapons found in Iraq by Danish troops
Mustard gas found by Iraq weapon hunters

Paul Harris in New York

Sunday January 11, 2004

The Observer

(question: is the Observer a tabloid, or trustable source?? - Mudcat)

Dozens of mortar rounds believed to be armed with mustard gas have been discovered buried in Iraq, Danish troops said yesterday.

If confirmed, the find will be the first discovery of chemical munitions in Iraq by coalition forces scouring the country for the weapons of mass destruction used as justification for the US-led invasion.

'All the instruments showed indications of the same type of chemical compound, namely blister gas,' the Danish Army said in a statement on its website. Final test results will be announced within two days.

However, the find of a small amount of mortar shells is unlikely to satisfy a growing chorus of criticism that the much-touted weapons of mass destruction either never existed or were destroyed years ago. The Danish team has found only 36 mortar rounds buried in desert about 45 miles from Al Amarah, a southern town. But it added that up to a 100 more could still be hidden at the location. The rounds were in plastic bags and some were leaking. It seems they had been buried for at least 10 years.


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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 05:34 PM
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1. OK ....DUPE
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JasonDeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 05:37 PM
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2. The republicans would like you to believe (hear their sigh of relief?)
that this proves saddam had WMD and the moronic bush* admin was justified in attacking Iraq. But hasn't it already been shown that these munitions were from the Iraq/iran war?
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pinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 05:43 PM
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3. welcome to DU Mudcat, see La_Serpiente's post for other info.
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loudnclear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 05:49 PM
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4. Is this the stuff we gave Saddam the wherewithall to make in the 80's?
If this is all they can find it doesn't matter. Mustard gas was hardly a threat to the US.
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 05:58 PM
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5. Note the key words
"believed to be". Not determined to be.
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