it must have embarrassed her to have her 'too low' GPA and SAT/ACT scores paraded before the Nation in the courts...
Jennifer was denied entrance on her first application to the
U of M School of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA)...the University informed her that a final decision about her admission would be 'delayed'...This delay was based upon the University's decision that although Gratz was 'well qualified', she was 'less competitive than the students who had been admitted upon first review', and denied her admission to LSA. She later was able to get accepted to a less strenuous program at U of M, Dearborn Campus, from which she graduated in the spring of 1999.
She sued along with a student 'Hamacher'
LSA decided that Hammacher's academic credentials were in 'the qualified range, but they were not at the level needed for first review admission'. TWO whiners should be ashamed of themselves....typical reTHUGlicans...sue someone if YOU fail...always take the limbaugh approach to personal responsibility: nothing is YOUR must be the fault of the U of Michigan....
PROUD UNDERGRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN....B.S. in Chemistry, School of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA), 1971....
(and glad that whiners like hamacher and gratz are kept out, because they are destructive to a classroom environment)...