I think they are all great people. But I also think what we are seeing here is a wonderful opportunity to see how Washington D.C. and the system conditions otherwise great committed candidates by emerging them in a structure that essentially demands they conform or lose their next election. We truly do have a government now run by Special Interests and lobbyists and our elected officials are becoming more and more enslaved and even beholden to this hierarchy of classism and wealth.
I think Kerry, Gephardt and Edwards and even Lieberman are all essentially good, caring people. However I also believe that they have been stepfordized so to speak by a system that demands conformity.
This is why Dean is different and I believe has had quite an awakening while running for president being that he has gotten an earful and eyeful of candidates who in a freer society would be railing against what is going on in Washington. Instead they fall pretty silent, with moments of truth here and there, but then seem to quickly retreat to their rightful place (and safe place) when they see the gavel coming.
This is actually a very pivotal, defining and great time in America if we can save it. We just have to listen to those who are willing to confront a broken, dysfunctional system that is the Titanic headed for the iceberg. I pray all of the candidates will be able to find and keep their eye on the bigger picture, which in my opinion is the survival of the USA. I have a hard time thinking that Gephardt, Lieberman, Kerry and/or Edwards (although I have more hope for him than the others)will be strong enough to pull against the force of Washington D.C.. And that would definitely include Clark as well. Hes been an insider for a long time as well. He knows the players just as well.
Dean has been on the outside and yet knows the inside and has been raised in that environment, although that will it will probably never be where his heart is, BECAUSE HE HAS NOTHING TO PROVE.
Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the rest. I think they feel they have more to prove to themselves and others and that is their defining goal. I could be wrong, but that is my instinct.
Howard Deans goal seems to be from what I have read and what I have seen to ultimately make this planet a better place and sustainable so that his children and our heirs will not inherit an appocalypse. I understand and agree with that philosophy as many here do, because it the main thing that propels us. Its his driving force as well, and that is why I support him.
Because of an essentially non-pretentious drive, I think it gives Dean the advantage, and more importantly, a perspective to be able to blend, understand and inspire individuals and leaders who are probably fearful of any type of change in Washington.
Im sure its like any of us: when we have a good thing going, even though it may be killing us and everyone around us, how many of us really want to change?
Change must occur however, if we are to survive what could translate into a pretty horrific future. I think Dean is the one at this point that would be able to create change without devastating the pendulum.
He has the conservative and liberal instincts and insight to be pragmatic, he knows his shortcomings, which I cannot say for the majority of the candidates, and that in and of itself shows me an individual who is capable of being a great leader.