. . An Iraqi child among civilians shot by soldiers Jan. 13, 2004. 10:48 AM
FALLUJAH, Iraq — A U.S. Apache attack helicopter was shot down today, the third downed in less than two weeks, though the crew escaped unharmed. In Baghdad, U.S. troops reacting after a deadly roadside bomb shot at a car, killing its Iraqi driver and a 10-year-old boy, relatives said.
And in the southeastern Shiite Muslim city of Kut, Ukrainian troops opened fire to disperse a crowd of several hundred protesters demanding jobs. One man was killed and two other people, including a woman, were injured in the second straight day of violent protests in Kut.
The AH-64's two-person crew was unhurt, and the U.S. military secured the area, military spokesman Col. William Darley said. "It was apparently downed by enemy fire," he said.

Looks lke Helicopters ar the favorite target these days
The "payback" will continue until the USA gets outta there !
Can't kill tens of thousands of civilians and not expect "retribution" ?