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Bush, seeking to mend relations, says Canada eligible in Iraq

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 01:36 PM
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Bush, seeking to mend relations, says Canada eligible in Iraq
Bush, seeking to mend relations, says Canada eligible in Iraq reconstruction contracts

By Deb Riechmann
8:28 a.m. January 13, 2004

MONTERREY, Mexico – President Bush, seeking to mend relations with America's northern neighbor, said Tuesday that Canada will be eligible for a second round of U.S.-financed reconstruction contracts in Iraq.

In a breakfast meeting with new Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, Bush said he had told Martin of the shift in policy. Martin "understands the stakes" in rebuilding a free and peaceful Iraq, Bush said. He offered no details of what the contracts would be worth.

It was Bush's second fence-mending session in two days. On Monday, Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox put aside two years of differences and said they see eye-to-eye about a new U.S. proposal to grant legal status to millions of undocumented workers in the United States, many of them Mexicans.

The United States had angered many allies last month by banning firms in countries that had opposed the Iraq war from bidding on Iraqi reconstruction projects. French, German and Russian leaders had protested to Bush, and Canada threatened to stop sending aid to Baghdad.

Martin, eager to patch up the cross-border relationship, said he was pleased by the new U.S. stance toward Canada, and the lucrative contracts that could come Canada's way.

Please, sir, may I have more gruel?

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KissMyAsscroft Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 01:42 PM
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1. Uhoh!!! He flip-flopped!!
And you know the media is going to punce on him for flip-flopping!!!!!!!:eyes:

Every five seconds Bush flip-flops on some major issue, and the media doesn't say a word.

But heavan forbid Dean does it on a minor issue...

Everything coming out of the White House is totally schizophrenic! They try and float some policy, and than Bush backtracks and changes his mind, than he blames it on Clinton, than he says that was never really the policy after all.....etc.

Where the fuck is the media pointing out that this guy flip flops every five seonds!

Where are the Dems on this? They should start NOW pointing out his flip flops!
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