Armed Sudanese man arrested at Heathrow under anti-terror laws
By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent
15 January 2004
The man, aged 45, was able to board a Virgin Atlantic flight at Washington's Dulles airport with four or five bullets, despite the introduction of extra security checks in the United States. The security lapse is extremely embarrassing for the American authorities because they have recently questioned the level of protection being offered by foreign airlines and forced several flights to have additional checks. The route between London and Washington has also been publicly identified as a potential target for terrorists in recent weeks.
Guards discovered the bullets on the Sudanese man as he went through a metal detector at about 7.40am at Heathrow. The passenger was in the airport's terminal 3 to transfer to a flight to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. He was arrested by the police and was being questioned last night.
An aviation expert last night described the American authorities as having a flawed security system and practising a technique of "smoke and mirrors" in which they have exaggerated their own capabilities.
But it was not until the passenger had reached Heathrow that his bullets were discovered. Forensic specialists are currently analysing the bullets to establish whether they are live rounds or fakes. A police source said, according to initial inquiries, that the suspect was not a known criminal or terrorist, although further checks are taking place. Detectives are concerned about some of the details given by the suspect and he was later arrested under anti-terrorism laws for further questioning. Chris Yates, an aviation security expert for the publishers Jane's, said: "There is an impression with all the rhetoric that the US now has the best security in the world and it can stop anything any time. But it didn't stop a bunch of ammunition getting on a plane from Washington to London, did it?

The WH must be gettin' in a flap over THIS one !