2004 race set to draw record cash
Front-runners for governor reap $9.4 million for campaigns
By Mary Beth Schneider
January 17, 2004
Indiana is on track for its most expensive governor's race ever, as both Democratic Gov. Joe Kernan and Republican Mitch Daniels each reported Friday that they began this year with more than $4 million to stoke their campaigns.
The candidates released their financial reports ahead of Wednesday's deadline for filing the information with the state and the day after a new Indianapolis Star-WTHR (Channel 13) Hoosier Poll showed Kernan leading Daniels 49 percent to 36 percent.
Kernan, who did no fund raising in 2003 until Nov. 7 when he entered the race for governor,
raised more than $2.5 million in only seven weeks. He had begun 2003 with $2.25 million.Daniels got into the race for governor in June after resigning as White House budget director. Since then, he has raised $4.7 million.