Inmate’s threat to Bush followed therapy
An Oregon prisoner wrote in a journal that he wanted to kill the president. The Associated Press
January 18, 2004
"PORTLAND — An inmate sentenced to 18 months in prison for threatening President Bush had been told earlier in an anger-management class to write out what enrages him."
U.S. Judge James A. Redden requested that Lincoln, 24, whose IQ has been figured at 62, be placed at a federal medical facility.
"The prison counselor basically says, ‘Tell me, tell me your innermost thoughts, fantasies, give me your anger.’ And when he does, they basically hit him on the head with a hammer,” Levine said. “Here, a paid agent of the state is provoking it. It’s outrageous."
Lincoln, of Washington state, was serving a three-year, 10-month sentence for robbery at the Oregon State Penitentiary when prison counselor Craig Mitchell asked him to answer a series of questions and vent his emotions in a workbook.
The assignment was required.

Limited by paragragh limitation, let me clarify:
Original "threat" was while he was in prision in MARCH 2001
Secret Service visited him in APRIL 2001 - (more threats) - no charges
2weeks after 9-11 letter (intercepted) to WH (threat)
CHARGES not laid until MAY 2002
The "authorities" are not known for "discreet" interrogations, and with an IQ of 62,
would NOT be hard to "coax" anger statements out of him?
Methinks this item deserves keeping an eye on