Posted on Mon, Jan. 19, 2004
Dominicans continue to make dangerous covert trip to Puerto Rico
The Orlando Sentinel
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - (KRT) - The confounding winds in the Caribbean Sea have washed wayward ships onto these shores since the days of Christopher Columbus.
Last week, the same crosswinds steered eight rickety vessels, containing 178 people from the Dominican Republic, toward beaches on the western shores of Puerto Rico.
The Dominicans braved choppy seas in search of an opportunity to improve their lives. One woman, trying to flee approaching U.S. immigration authorities, jumped into the ocean and began swimming toward her destination rather than face authorities who sought to intercept her at sea.
Her body was later found near the coastal town of Aguadilla. Ironically, she washed ashore not far from where Columbus once landed.
In a development that has seemingly defied solution, the numbers of Dominicans making this same voyage continues to grow, according to U.S. Border Patrol.
(snip/...) didn't know
Bush has our Border Patrol guarding Puerto Rico's shoreline.)