Iraqi women are fighting prejudice to regain the rights lost under Saddam" fact, it turns out that Saddam's Iraq was ahead of any of his neighbours with regards to women' rights.
>> snip
"On a broader level, the women are also fighting to recover and extend the rights they lost in the latter years of Saddam's rule. Unlike many others in the region, the women of Iraq were allowed to work, vote, drive and study in the 1970s and '80s. But after the 1991 gulf war, the Iraqi dictator--in an effort to appease the majority Shiite population that he had repressed so brutally--took a harder line on women, depriving them of free choice in marriage and the freedom to travel without a male relative."
<< snip
And now, the US, who basically begs the shiites to accept their plan, has to abide by their will to return women to their semi-slave status. How's that for promoting democracy..?
Also reminds me of the Polish women's anger at the disappearance of legal/free abortion under the new "progressive", "liberal" regime.