How OLD are you folks talking about this??????????????????????
A few weeks ago, there was a thread in DU about obesity; it was STARTLINGLY hateful! For one thing, that old thread was stating that America was the fattest place on earth. That simply isn't so(obviously the WHO has it right). There have always been fat people and they are ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Wake up! We've always had coke, twinkies, pizza, and chocolate...that's not the problem. There is more obesity now because of the nature of the lives we lead today. Too much TV, movies, playstations, computer surfing, AND NO MANUFACTURING JOBS to make people have to actually DO something when they work. Those that are fortunate enough to have a job have to work TOO MUCH TOO LONG TOO HARD; that then, in turn, creates stress and anxiety and depression. When people are young, they can cope better with these stresses, but beware.....................IT CATCHES UP WITH EVERYONE later on!
Stresses in the workplace, school, families, marriages/relationships etc. cause people to yearn for "comfort". Some turn to drinking, some to drugs, others to food. IT'S AN ADDICTION thing peeps! Not all folks who are overweight fit in this catagory either. Many folk are disabled, on certain life sustaining drugs that create bloat and an exaggerated appetite. There are so many, many variables to this situation that it simply cannot be dismissed so glibly as these threads are trying to do.
In terms of having to pay "taxes" to help people???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Are we dems or republicans here???????????? I'm SHOCKED at this language and stingyness. Who the hell are you people? In order to have a well oiled, beneficial working nation, we WILL HAVE TO PAY MORE TAXES!! If "fat people" offend someone, THEN VOTE FOR HEALTH CARE THAT ALLOWS fat folks to get the help they need, when they need it, and where they need it WITHOUT the stigma and cost! There should be clinics that are available and accessible to all people rich and poor to address the underlying problems of overeating and obesity in general. HELP us. Don't STONE US! WTF!!
I'd also advise those, who think that it's all that simple for the heavy folks to "just change", to watch what seeds they sow............you may find yourself in such a position one day without intending to. LIke I did. When I was young, I made fun of fat people; made disparaging remarks that were hilarious at the time.......now I'm fat. I have been through hell in my lifetime; I wouldn't wish my life on George Bush (well, maybe I would). I'm in pain, I'm poverty stricken, I haven't had sex in 25 years, I'm a survivor of abuse and this fucked up amerikan system. I can't even STAND UP TO COOK... I need help. Are any of you ready to come over here and help me? If my fellow americans cannot help those of us who struggle in misery, befriend those of us who die on the inside, or encourage us/me/the "fatties" then SHUT UP and mind your own business.
This type of bigotry behind heavy people and those that have medical conditions or "don't fit the mold" is UNCALLED for and IGNORANT. Want me to eat differently? Then help me go buy/obtain that food. Then stay awhile and help me COOK it. Put your arm around me and be my friend not my tormentor. Come and take me out to a function and do it without grimacing. Talk to my heart with kindness and encouragement. Help me with something practical and tactile in order to get well/better. Help ME to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Help unburden me with some of the aweful cares of this world (too many to mention) Otherwise, I don't want to see this crap on DU again. I am ULTIMATELY offended and ANGRY over this subject. I wonder what the ACLU would say?