About eight years ago, this group of white collar thugs bought up all of Continental Rehabilitation Services, where I was working. Continental's upper management, I had come to learn, consisted of a group of criminals who had been part of the Psychiatric Fraud Machine known as NME or National Medical Enterprises. Google for more fun.
NME was guilty of wholesale psychiatric fraud all over the country and they along with Charter Hospitals, helped to destroy Mental Health parity. NME was paying for referrals and patients and using up hundreds of thousands of dollars of insurance coverage in bogus long term "treatment" otherwise known as illegal imprisonment, for people with very ordinary emotional problems. Lots of psychiatrists were in on the scam. After the FBI came in and seized their records, few of the NME upper management saw some fines and brief jail time. The rest escaped into other hospital chains, including Continental.
The good doctor, Senator Frist knows all about it. HCA, his brain child has had more than their "fair share" of Medicare fraud cases for which he has no doubt benefitted magnificently.
http://www.corp-research.org/jan03.htmhttp://www.freedommag.org/english/canada/400M/page02.htmAnd as always the BFEE and our beloved scalliwag Chimp-in-Chief was in on the fun. This time Bush along, with his Texas Ranger's benefactor Richard Rainwater made off with their filthy lucre without so much as an "excuse me." The usual excuse of ignorance was accepted without question. For all the queasy familiar details check out
http://www.thedubyareport.com/patientsrights.htmlAlways, in healthcare fraud, the major players escape to set up their fraud and plunder schemes with another chain.
Scrushy, the head of Healthsouth was an amazingly cocky, ruthless prick who aggressively bought up his competition and then basically gave his CFO's orders to legally defraud Medicare and Medicaid by finding every loophole possible. Every CFO who worked for Healthsouth should be forced to give testimony about how they worked the system.
I thought Continental was bad but five minutes after meeting the Healthsouth acquisition team was all it took for me to size these evil bastards up and I made my escape. I still feel a little dirty.