Bush wants protectionist Democrats to heed Harper on NAFTA
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
March 19, 2008 at 4:56 AM EDT
WASHINGTON — U.S. President George. W. Bush urged yesterday that protectionist Democrats now controlling Congress heed the "wise words" of Canada's Conservative Prime Minister and pass more free-trade pacts, in particular one with Colombia.
In a speech addressed to dockworkers in Jacksonville, Fla., where ships from Latin American countries crowd the port, the President made a rare reference to Stephen Harper, invoking the Prime Minister's ringing endorsement of the value of unfettered trade.
"I want the members of Congress to hear what the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, said," Mr. Bush said in his own speech seeking backing for a free trade deal with Colombia, now stalled in Congress.
"He said, 'If the U.S. turns its back on its friends in Colombia, this will set back our cause far more than any Latin American dictator can hope to achieve.' "
Mr. Harper originally made the comment in a speech given last fall in New York to the Council on Foreign Relations.