Barry J. Jozwiak is accused of improperly soliciting campaign contributions. A judge denies a request to decide the case without a trial.
A judge ruled Tuesday that a jury should decide the $28 million class-action lawsuit that accuses Berks County Sheriff Barry J. Jozwiak of illegally using the names of gun-permit applicants to raise campaign funds.
But no matter the outcome of the case, county taxpayers will not be on the hook for a potential $28 million verdict, Northumberland County Judge Barry J. Feudale ruled.
The act calls for a $1,000 fine per violation, or three times the actual damages suffered, whichever is greater.
Schaeffer's attorney, Joseph A. O'Keefe of Kutztown, argued the act allowed for the $1,000 to be paid to each gun-permit applicant. There are about 23,000 gun-permit holders in Berks. The act also allows for reasonable attorneys' fees, which he estimated at up to $5 million.
According to the suit, 99 percent of county gun-permit holders received a so-called Posse Letter from the sheriff inviting them to contribute to his campaign.
<snip> guy is accused of using confidential gun permit files to send campaign solicitations. Why hasn't the gun lobby jumped all over this guy for using confidential information about gun owners you ask? Well, he's a Republican. And yes he's been reelected twice since this allegation surfaced...