, Ohio - The Ohio Senate has approved one of the most far-reaching gay marriage bans in the nation despite charges from some lawmakers that the legislation was mean-spirited and discriminatory.
A divided Senate approved the bill 18-15 Wednesday and sent it back to the House, which is expected to approve minor changes next week. Gov. Bob Taft has said he will sign the bill.
The measure says same-sex marriages are "against the strong public policy of the state," and would prohibit state employees from getting benefits for domestic partners, whether they were gay or unmarried heterosexual couples.
The bill permits exceptions to the benefits ban, including cities, villages, townships, schools and private companies. However, universities are included in the ban.
Senate Minority Leader Gregory DiDonato, a Democrat, said the bill was mean-spirited and "just plain wrong." Sen. C.J. Prentiss, also a Democrat, quoted from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech as she called the bill "good, old-fashioned discrimination."
But Republican Sen. Jay Hottinger, a longtime supporter of the same-sex marriage ban, said that opponents were misstating the bill's intentions.
He said the bill was not an attack on gays, but was meant to protect a traditional definition of marriage.
Don't hide behind your fancy wording. This bill is discrimination and anything else you say is bullshit. If Ohio passes this law I will boycott Ohio. Heck, I'll even stop supporting my beloved Cincinnati Reds (a team I have worshipped for 30 years) to show my disgust in passing these bills.
My only hope is that this bill goes to the supreme court where it will hopefully be found unconstitutional in someway