Edited on Thu Jan-22-04 09:29 PM by Marianne
they will be forever endebted to the government.
This is not a good idea for the constitutional protections and for the country, but I sense that religions such as the Catholic religion and it's private schools, which can no longer fund themselves because they overextended and built huge cathedrals that cannot be supported any longer by the members of the church, are drooling at the prospect of tax payer, government welfare money supporting their religion. Further, there will be no oversight on them from the government. Who could ask for anything more?
Does anyone else but me find that funny and sad at the same time?
This is disgusting to me. The church's , especially the catholic church (which has about 80% of the private schools in the land,) hands are exteneded to get the money they need from the tax payers, ALL the tax payers all over the country, but they will refuse and attempt to sway political laws to coincide with their beliefs, such as abortion, when they are on the "dole" from all the tax payers, women included who do not think or believe the same as the Catholics re abortion or birth control for that matter.
This is the irony.
We the tax payers, whether Catholic or not, will pay for Catholic schools to tell and to teach children that atheists are bad very bad, possibly evil, commie infiltrators, and that the Catholic religion is the "only one true religion"
while it accepts money from all sorts of people who are NOT Catholics and do NOT believe in those precepts in order to keep it's private schools viable, complete with the crucifix in every classroom
. I have no children in the schools and no grandchildren in the schools.
Why should I pay for this private Catholic school to teach religion?
I want a voucher that will allow me to take that money which Bush and congess would give to the Catholic schools, to take to my local pharmacist for payment for a drug that will help me cope with my diabetes. Why should I pay for little failed geniuses who could not make it in the public schools to go to the Catholic school on my money and be declared the geniuses everyone always knew they were, especially the parents.
That they faild in the public school was because the "teacher" was no good or for some other disturbing reason. She or he faile to recognize and protect the genius the parents saw in thier own child.
Corrupt--religion that is desperate for money because it has lost it's contributing members, is whoring to the government for it's support. Those huge cathedral like churches cost an awful lot to heat during the winter, for only a couple of hours a week of occupation by the flock. The rest of the time it sits fallow, looking magnificient.
It will now do anything and say anything that the government tells it to--if not, it may lose it's tax payer faith based support(welfare) money. Now the government has the church by the balls when it distributes tax money to it. That is the rub that parents anxious for thier kids to get out of the public school so that they excell under a different situation, need to recognize.
And the schools and those public school failures attending? Geniuses all. ;-)
They were not geniuses in the public school system--because the teacher did not recognize them as geniuses even though the parents did!!
-so pull em out of that school and away from all of those annoying "others" whose parents do not "care" and who do not have the time to read to their kids as do the parent in the higher imcome brackett who are convinced that their child is a genius whose intellect is NOT be developed as it should because of the "teacher" and because of the others the little child genius is forced to put up with in a public school classroom, and who put a damper on the kid's "genius" .
Better to take the tax payer money and get the kid into a school where mostly all think alike--at least in matters concerning religion (and politics as we have seen it being ever the more so involved, and with the vouchers even more so involved)
and that is very important for establishing the pecking order and for getting contol over the flock and it's little lambkins.
Running the Catholic school on tax payer money and running the church on tax payer money--well look-it's the kids. The parents want to push all that is the best for their kids. If it means taking advantage of others not of the same religion to teach their kids a religion is immaterial and irrelevant. The important thing is that a parent does the best they can for their child--and that means getting them into a private school away from all the "others" and the bonus under Bush is that the tax payer will pay for their little genius to learn a religion that villifies others and establishes an elitism above others.