,0,7921956.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-printManchester, N.H. - They both served their country in Vietnam, earning medals for valor, one as a captain in the Army, the other as a lieutenant on a gunboat in the Navy. They both rose to positions of power, one as a military leader in combat and in peace, the other as a prominent legislator on the national stage.
Now, both retired Gen. Wesley Clark and Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts want to be president, and for many veterans in this state, that means come Tuesday's Democratic primary, they will have to choose one or the other.
There are 60,000 veterans among the 436,000 total registered Democrats and independent voters in New Hampshire, according to Clark's campaign, making them a potentially formidable factor.
The competition for those votes has become so fierce that Kerry and Clark each made two donations to Liberty House, a shelter for homeless veterans that is opening in Manchester, to seek the founder's endorsement. It finally went to Kerry, even after Clark promised the proceeds from an argyle sweater that had a high bid on eBay of $5,804 last night.