That is why MORE THEN EVER we need to put their faces and their names into the face of the populace ..we are being blacked out...every family is being blacked body bags no funerals no coverage of any of the marches in DC on any channel of the military families..if you can possibly download and print the faces of the dead and wounded , do it, and show it to people in town, on street corners, I do it every Friday at Noon here in this small town... but the press doesnt cover C Span and at Least demand that they cover this next action............
here are the faces of the dead, our kids.
Military Families,
On March 14 and 15, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace and a number of other organizations are sponsoring a Dover (Air Force Base) to D.C. Memorial Procession: A trail of mourning and truth to honor those killed and wounded in Iraq.
The attached flyer (also included below) describes the parts of this event, including its families are allowed to be present; a 3.5 mile march to a spot near the Air Force Base; a bus/car caravan through Baltimore; an overnight in Washington D.C.; an event on Monday, March 15 at Walter Reed Memorial Hospital to remember the wounded; and a finale at the White House. This event will focus on the toll the war in Iraq is taken, a toll this administration is doing everything it can to hide and we must do what we can to uncover for all to see and understand.
MFSO members can participate in for any or all segments of the march - on Sunday, March 14; Monday, March 15; or both. When the procession reaches the White House, some participants are planning on engaging in non-violent civil disobedience. The rest of the marchers will stay in the legally-sanctioned perimeters of the demonstration/march.
We would like to find out how many of you might be interested in participating in any part of this event. Please review the attached flyer and email us with any questions you may have, and let us know if you are interested in participating.
This event is occuring the weekend before many regional and local marches, rallies and demonstrations to commemorate the one year anniversary of the beginning of the invasion of Iraq. We are beginning to hear from MFSO members about their plans to participate in events in their areas.
Please keep us posted on events in your areas, so we can share information with other military families who may live nearby.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
In Peace and Solidarity,
Nancy Lessin and Charley Richardson,
for Military Families Speak Out
On the first anniversary of the continuing war in Iraq...
Dover to D.C. Memorial Procession
A trail of mourning and truth to honor those beginnings on Sunday March 14 near Dover, where the caskets come in but no press or
killed and wounded in Iraq, with legal processions to be followed by nonviolent direct action at the White House
Sunday, March 14 - Monday, March 15, 2004
Starting at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where the war dead arrive, this memorial procession will honor our fallen brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and friends, along with Iraqi civilians and the increasing number of people from other countries who have been killed and wounded in Iraq, while delivering our call to end the violence to the nation’s capital.
Sunday, March 14 - Gather at Camden Friends Meetinghouse in Dover at 12:30pm, for a brief service followed by a memorial procession to the gates of Dover Air Force Base. Following a ceremony at the base, a caravan will proceed to a rally in Baltimore, Maryland, and then on to Washington DC.
Monday, March 15 - Gathering and observances at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC, current residence of many U.S. servicemen and women wounded in Iraq, followed by memorial procession to White House. At the White House, those so moved will deliver our memorial message and call to the end the war to the Bush Administration, risking arrest in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience if necessary.
Please plan to join us on March 14 and 15, to honor those killed and wounded in Iraq, and to say no to war.
For more information and to get involved, go to, or call:
American Friends Service Committee (Baltimore) at 410-323-7200
Brandywine Peace Community (Philadelphia) at 610-544-1818
Pacem in Terris (Delaware) at 302-656-2721
Iraq Pledge of Resistance (Washington, DC) at 301-589-2355
Sponsored by (list in formation): American Friends Service Committee, Baltimore Pledge of Resistance, Brandywine Peace Community, Iraq Pledge of Resistance, Military Families Speak Out, Pacem in Terris, Peace Action, Student Peace Action Network, Veterans For Peace