,1,6700915.storyLos Angeles Times, 1/25/04
WASHINGTON — President Bush's much-heralded education reform plan, his first domestic policy accomplishment and one of his most important, is in danger of becoming as much a liability as an asset in his reelection campaign, observers from both political parties say.
The 2002 law, known as the No Child Left Behind Act, has come under fire from school officials around the country as they labor to comply with its tough requirements and find the federal government is providing less money than the law promised.
"This is a big, big problem," said one House Republican, who spoke privately about being inundated with complaints from educators in his district. "The goals and requirements are just not attainable. It is going to hurt the president politically among school people, people who are elected to school boards, community leaders."
The law is the cornerstone of one of Bush's signal political accomplishments: He has helped Republicans win increased public confidence in their handling of education, an issue Democrats have traditionally dominated. In January 2002 — around the time Bush signed the law — a Washington Post poll found that 71% of those surveyed approved of Bush's handling of education.
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