Gephardt backers get behind Kerry bidBy Bill Lambrecht
Post-Dispatch Washington Bureau
NASHUA, N.H. - Converts from Rep. Richard Gephardt's campaign bolstered Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry's New Hampshire bid Sunday as Democratic hopefuls made late appeals for support in the primary on Tuesday.
With polls showing Kerry holding a formidable lead, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean wrote a new speech for women voters in what was shaping up as a battle for second place in New Hampshire.
Meanwhile, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina enjoyed the overflow crowds that catapulted him to a second place finish in the Iowa caucuses last week. Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut claimed that independents and disenchanted Republicans would lift his campaign to a surprising finish. And Wesley Clark stepped up his criticism of President George W. Bush.
"One of the reasons we had 9-11 is because this president spent too much time worried about national missile defense and not enough time worried about the greatest threat to this country," Clark asserted in a living room in Manchester, N.H.
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