Posted on Mon, Jan. 26, 2004
Dairy industry rides out mad cow scareBy SCOTT CANON The Kansas City Star
SCOTT CANON/The Kansas City Star
Bobbi Rauch and her husband, Mike,
run a small dairy farm near Billings,
Mo. The couple said low prices for
milk are a bigger worry for them
than the aftermath from a Canadian-
born cow being discovered with mad
cow disease in Washington state.
“That was just one more thing. I've
got more pressing things to keep me
occupied,” Bobbi Rauch said.BILLINGS, Mo. – Mad cow disease has struck twice in North America. Both confirmed cases hit Canadian-born dairy cattle.
That two of Bobbi and Mike Rauch's cows were born in Canada — they'll begin milking a third after a calf is born this spring — hardly matters to the couple.
Times aren't great. The Rauch family is overwhelmed by health insurance bills, discouraged at the price paid for their milk and glum about their chances of competing with factory-scale dairies.
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